Talking Gilmore Girls

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Sunday, March 12, 2006

Pro/Con List

Rory Gilmore is extremely close to her mother, a coffee lover and richly intuitive, but that doesn't stop her from taking up some childish things like Pro/Con lists. It's how she makes her most important decisions, by weighing the pros and cons and seeing which wins out. Rory's done it countless times with Lorelai right along with her. Yale being the most memorable one. But let's look at Rory's pros and cons.

-- Coffe
-- Daughter of Lorelai
-- Intelligent
-- Blue Eyes
-- Stars Hallow Enthusiast
-- Dean Relationship in S1
-- Her Study Tree

-- Dean Treatment in S2 and S3
-- Dean Relationship at S4's Final and S5
-- Logan Relationship
-- Grandparents over Mother

And though this list can go on and on, I thought it was just peachy keen to type out the most important, especially the cons. But that's all I'm going to say.


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