Talking Gilmore Girls

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Sunday, March 12, 2006

6.16: Bridesmaid Revisited

Bridesmaid Revisited was a VERY GOOD episode. It had the snap, crackle and pop of the original Gilmore Girls episodes. You know the ones. Those that have the funny humour and dramatic style.

But I really enjoyed this show's plot movements alot, specifically the three that I consider to make this episode worth watching. The first is the Logan and Rory blow-up/break-up. It all happened at Logan's sister's wedding. Rory went early with Logan to get ready for the wedding with intentions to work on some of her Yale Daliy News stuff, but was forced by Honor to join her and the bridesmaids in the bridal room. While helping the bride and her three bridesmaids get ready, Rory uncovers Logan's extracurricular activities over the Thanksgiving break. Apparently, he's been with the whole bridal party, except for his sister of course. I was intrigued at how the writers (and guest actors) presented the material to the viewers and Rory. It was well written and it seemed to act out like Rory and us were not there, for the bridesmaids and Honor chit-chatted like the Mad Hatter with no reguards (what would you expect with blondes?). With Rory stunned (and me screaming at her "told ya"), she missed the wedding and when Logan appears (finally) she sets in on him. It's basically the whole Ross-and-Rachel thing from Friends. Logan claims "break up," while Rory claims "just a break." But we don't get the whole heated discussion like on Friends, instead Rory just storms out with a time frame for her moving out. Man, that filled me with chocolate-covered glee. I've never liked the Rory/Logan relationship because I've always felt that Logan was beneath her and completely wrong for her. He totally knocked her off course and remains to be a stumpling block that she refuses to side-step or move out of the way. I'm hoping, though, that this is the final straw and that she'll grab the forklift and toss his sorry a**.

On a more happier note, the second plot movement that had me jumping for joy was the Rory and Paris mending. After storming out on Logan at the church, Rory heads straight for the bar and drowns her troubles. A few shots later, a "friendly" diatribe with the waitress and a goodnight kiss that she would like to forget about, Rory heads over to Paris' in hopes of finding a place to stay. Paris is her normal self and Rory slips into the lion's den with an offer of food for ten. Paris offered Rory solace with her huge harden heart, instead of sharpening her horns and charging full speed. And aside from her constant bully ways and annoyance, I have always felt that Paris has brought a uniqueness to the show by being a friend to Rory. She's one that's always entertaining and overpowering, which is what makes this scene refreshing to see because it brings back seasons of Paris memories both bad and good. It was just nice to see the rampaging Paris on pause.

Watching with surprise as Christopher Haden pops up, I noted that this appearance beholds the third and last enjoyable plot movement for this episode. I give my stupidness credit as I didn't catch his return on the spoilers. Chris comes back as our favorite dad, but almost leaves the episode with viewers in red-face hatred. Chris first enters the picture attending a news event of Rory's with Lorelai. He and Lor do their best work of dialogue and rapid talk, but he's adorable cut and close shaved face make him more than eye candy (as Rory noted in a previous episode as she gave her dad a tour). That's a tangent, so let's move on. After the news event, Rory scampers off leaving Lor and Chris catching up. And some how, some way Lorelai ends up with Gigi (Chris' second daughter) -- the spoiled brat from the rich side of the streets. She screams like the movie, throws tantrums and flushes sheets or drapes down the toliet. But if you put aside all the off putting personality, Gigi is really cute and adorable with her pigtails. Apparently, Chris sees only her cute looks, too, because when Lorelai tells Chris about Gigi, he totally flips. "I am done with your advice, and your help." It's his usual freak out. But this time, he pissed me off. And I'd be mad at him, if he hadn't called to apologize and converse with Lorelai near the end of the episode. It makes me feel that she's going to be there for him in later episodes, and I can't wait. The showrunners seem to be really maturing his character, which is what we've all waited for. Makes Luke look like second place (I know, I know. Bad me.).

As you can tell, there were alot of different things happening in this episode. So I leave you with a couple more tidbits that add to this episode's deliciousness.

Great Sidenotes:
* A druken Dole wearing Rory's coat.
* Zack proposes to Lane, and she accepts in the middle of Luke's Dinner.


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