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Sunday, August 06, 2006

Fresh News

According to Reuters, Amy Sherman-Palladino is digging into a new project for FOX. She has signed a deal to run a half-hour sitcom pilot about two sisters who reunite after one agrees to carry the other's baby. Hmmm...interesting. And let me clarify that "run" gives Amy the job of writing, producing and directing the pilot, which means that she'll have a hand it which way the show jump starts and heads. Look for it to be a comedy more than anything else. My only concern is that I don't want it to be a GG remake. But when more news on Amy and the show springs up, like a name, I'll let you all know.

For now...
Tuddles & Goodbye!


  • At 1:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    What?!? She gave up GG for a minture GG. That's a little sad, and pathetic!

  • At 1:11 AM, Blogger rosie4299 said…

    I already think that the premise is too convoluted for it to be successful. And if it has all the continutity issues of GG, but without the townies to liven it up, I'm not sure I'll care enough to watch it.

  • At 1:19 AM, Blogger Donut Shop said…

    I'm not sure if it's going to be a GG rehash. Since they're sisters who can't stand each other but now need each other to have a kid, well, it's more like Sister or whatever show that was with Sela Ward.

    I don't think it's gonna fly in FOX though. With their current lineup of adventure/mystery stuff (House, Prison Break) I think it would be lost. It may have enough pull to realize that The OC is a bad show but other than that, I don't think there's going to be any love (esp after the GG backlash) for anyone to show ASP some love.

    Alright, off my soapbox. Got the new scoop from AA on my site.

  • At 6:49 AM, Blogger RUDY said…

    Spoken like true GG lovers!!!

    I'm not too happy with ASP at all right now. The whole stunt from last season backfired IMO and I can't even consider giving her a chance to do something else. Maybe when GG comes back on and things seem that there off in a great direction, then I can get be hind her once more. But for now, I'm with you guys. It's not going to make it, whether that's it GG similarity or it's network position.

    As for AA donut shop -- I just posted here without look on your blog or in this comment thread. But mroe the duplicating!


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