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Wednesday, October 11, 2006

7.3: Lorelai's First Cotillion

I'll start this post by saying how much I enjoyed this episode. This third installment of season seven was the best. The wit, the connection, the parents, everything and anything about Gilmore Girls was felt in the words and in the actions of Lorelai's First Cotillion.

Hmmm, where to begin? How about with the Gilmore girls.

Lorelai: Let me just say, Lauren Graham and Lorelai Gilmore both were gleaming with beauty in tonight's episode. Why the lovely actress isn't more known is beside me. But let's get to the dish. Lorelai had a sudden intuitive leap of unordinary understanding. She has discovered that she might not like what she likes because Emily doesn't like it and that she might like what she doesn't like because Emily does like it. Shooo! Say that three times fast. Anyway, I found it a great turn of events, showing how Lorelai isn't the same daisy-dukes wearing mom from season one. Her character has increased to a more impressive, lady-like state. And this new awareness is just a progression of the person, the woman she has blossomed into. So I say, keep the poptarts coming. Let's get this Gilmore best as can be.

Rory: The girl is dirty. With textmessages. Eh? Yep. They did it. They finally drop-kicked the last remaining good straw. Just like Lorelai isn't the same from the series' beginning, neither is Rory. First there was the botch plot that is Rory and Dean at the end of season four. Second there is the Hemingway re-enactment. Next, the Yale Drop-and-Stop. And finally Logan. And even though this latter one tears me up, I'm definitely not in Kansas anymore. Never gonna be again. Logan is here and here to stay. So, what is the undulating road that the couple will ride this year? And will we see Rory redeem herself?

Chris: I LOVE CHRIS! Yahoo! We are back on the past-lovers train, people, and the destination is pure ecstacy entertainment town! To give it one last punch, he says it all to Lorelai. He tells her his feelings. He tells her that he's willing to wait until they are eighty years old, if it takes her that long to realize they are meant to be. Well, I'm not! And it looks like I'm getting my wish. Because the episode ended with Lorelai calling Chris on the phone. Woohoo! Yahoo! And the excitement doesn't stop there. Next week's episode clip showed a "wah, wah, wah" taking place in the front seat of a car. Romance is defintiely in the air.

Other Notes:
- Luke's scene was short and funny. But I didn't really see the point of adding it, except for the ha-ha part.
- Lane and Zack were so the beginning. They kind of annoyed me in the middle, but the talk at the end was great. I guess the pain was worth the smile it brought.
- Michel was brillant. Glad that he was given a bigger part. And it was so sad when Emily quipped her comments at the cute PB&J treats Sookie made up.
- Enjoyed the return of the grandparents. Emily was high on her evil game and Richard was as interesting as always.

Alright. That's it. Post ya soon!


  • At 10:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    OMG! Did you guys see next week's clip? It's so great. Chris and Lor in the car. All so cute.

  • At 3:03 PM, Blogger RUDY said…

    What did you guys think of Chris's confession? Was it abrupt or did you see it coming (aside from the previews)?

    Personally, I had hoped it would come. And up until the sleep over, I didn't. But with her in his arms, I seen it coming all summer. But that's also because I was spoiled. Even so, it's still exciting.

  • At 7:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    True to that. Rory isn't the same, not at all. Yes, she still apparently loves books and school, but that is put on the backburner most of the time for her school girl crush turned supposively love for Logan. Yes, the yale editor is great. Let's see more of that. I just love Rory in her prime and skills at the newpaper session in season five's "Bridesmaids" episode. But moments like that are few and far between. Not anymore hopefully. With Logan out to sea..well, over sea, maybe...hopefully...well get our shining good girl back.

    Now, for your question Rudy. I was surprised. I try not to read spoilers and stuff, but the clip tipped me off. It was a surprise mainly on account that it had me tear up. It was a great speech. Better than any Amy has ever given Chris...that goes the same for Luke's speech from the season seven premiere.

  • At 1:40 PM, Blogger Michael May said…

    Hey! I was a little late getting out of the gate this season and got behind for a few episodes, but thanks to TiVo, I'm finally caught up.

    I was a big fan of the Lorelai/Luke relationship, so I'm not thrilled to see that go, but I'm warming up to Christopher quickly. My only problem is that everyone in the show seems to be moving on from the break-up pretty easily, but that's probably more my problem that the writers'.

    Lorelai has Chris and Luke has his daughter, and things weren't going that well for them last season anyway, so it makes sense that they'd be able to move on fairly quickly.

    And now that Chris is in the picture to stay, I think I'll be able to move on too.

  • At 3:49 PM, Blogger RUDY said…

    Me, too. I love Chris.


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