Talking Gilmore Girls

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Monday, March 13, 2006

Sookie St. James

Every show has a comic relief, and for Gilmore Girls that relief is Sookie St. James. At first, more than half of the Gilmore Girls fans had thought that Sookie was a little off putting, but I'd have to disagree. The moment I first saw her, I loved her. She's affectionate, sweet, clumsy, flaky and such a goofball. I didn't look at her and see her weight; I looked at her and saw bright energy. And it's not just any energy either. She's got that kind of energy that lights you up when you are around her; she is just that type of poison. Top that off with her sensitivity and one-track culinary mind, and you got a classic Gilmore character.

Sookie has made us chuckle and giggle since the series premiere with spastic gestures, funfilled dialogue and heart-softening blonde moments, and I thought I'd give her praise by typing out some of my favorite Sookie moments and quotes. The first and fore most is her giddy one-worder "chickadee" from season one. A smile pops across my face everytime I think it and say it. It's just so cheery. Then there is the moment in season one when Michel passes ennui to Sookie and she comes up with it's opposite -- "off-wee" and claps. That's just so a "giggle-what" moment. What about her "you were picturing him with a Lorelai Gilmore sort of pretty" line from season one? Or her quip "build the roof"? And there's that wacky moment in season five where she's wearing her Jackie Kennedy outfit for Jackson's election rally. That gives me a side-splitting laughter everytime I watch it. And just think, these are just a handful of her best moments. I give her a round of applause with a praising bow. Kudos to you Sookie and especially to you Melissa McCarthy cause without you none of these Sookie moments would be here.


  • At 1:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    she's absolutely a fab darlin'

  • At 3:47 PM, Blogger RUDY said…

    She is at that. I was rewatching the S5 eppie So...Good Talk and she was just wonderful in that episode. Her being pregnant in the driver seat, swaying to her own singing voice was just so cute and funny. Definitely some of the old Sookie.


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