Talking Gilmore Girls

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Friday, December 15, 2006

Talking "fistcuffs"

I guess that it's been building between the two. We already know that Luke was hit hard by the Chris and Lorelai reunion, especially by his hit-first-think-last reaction near the beginning of the season. So Luke we know about. But what about Christopher? In my opinion, it's been building for awhile now. I think even before Paris. But let's just narrow things down to what's happened since Paris. Even though Lorelai got married, she hasn't been too thrilled about it. And I don't think that she hides it very well. Remember her somber stare after Paris. Yeah, she made an excellent speech to Rory for the decision, but her spirit hasn't been too blissful. I think Chris has noticed it, too. Plus, if you add to the fact that she doesn't want kids (she did with Luke...hmmm) and wants to stay in the house she and Luke built together, I'd side with Chris. Something is off, or at least a little wonky. He knows it and we know it.

Anyway...after he knocks back more than a few drinks, Chris is homeward bound...until he sees Luke. Sparks fly. The battle cry has sounded. Scarfs and jackets are thrown down. Chris throws the first punch. An air punch, but still the first. Looks like he's taking a play out of Luke's playbook. I'm glad, too. I'm rooting for Chris. Him and Lorelai. I just think that she's missing what might have been between her and Luke. And I can see that. After you hang on to a guy (Chris), cut him loose, finally move on to someone else (Luke), and then that person doesn't hang onto you, it's hard to let go. I just wish Chris could see this. Lorelai did the same thing with him, when she was with Max. Chris needs to quit being selfish...but apparently that's his flaw. A flaw that the writers are sticking with. Which I can deal with...because he's fighting for her. Something Luke never did...until now. And I'm betting that Lorelai will blame this whole merry fistcuffs on Chris. Don't you think?


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