Talking Gilmore Girls

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Tuesday, June 20, 2006

A LOL Moment

A laughing out loud moment from season four's "The Festival of Living Art." Sookie St. James has come to the Gilmore house in a frantic fashion due to the baby's increasing womb residence. She's tired of carrying the little tiger. She wants a Manhattan, a scotch, a beer, a Rob Roy and a sidecar. She wants the little rugrat, but life without luxuries is driving her insane.

I heart this Sookie moment. It's truly funny, especially when she rants about her insides and yelps softly at Lorelai's witty banter. Plus, she does the jiggle. What could be funnier?


  • At 2:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Oh, sookie is so cute in that episode. "Get it out!" -- too funny! Then the granola talk!

  • At 3:44 PM, Blogger RUDY said…

    Hee, heeeeee. I liked her hand motions when she says it! Ah, such as humorous moment!

  • At 7:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    And then the elephant gestation stuff..gross. But funny when Lor asked, "why does the baby think it's an elephant?"

  • At 9:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Ah, that was gross. LOL! Yeah, Lor was funny with her wacky ways.

  • At 6:04 PM, Blogger RUDY said…

    And after sookie's freak out viewers get a welcome treat with Lor's story of baby Rory. Awwww, so sweet.

  • At 10:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    That was a great "fill in the blanks" story.

  • At 4:37 AM, Blogger marria said…

    While looking a site to Download Gilmore Girls Episodes, I got this blog. Its really good job and dear keep it up.


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