Talking Gilmore Girls

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Thursday, January 11, 2007

LG Gives GG Interview

Hey all. On January 9th, Lauren Graham gave an interview to about Gilmore Girls during the promotion of her upcoming movie Because I Said So. Below is an piece of the interview, where Lauren responds to the idea of another season of GG.
"I don't know [if this will be the last season] because it has been expressed to me that they would like another season, but then there's nothing that's happened toward that. I'm not sure. I don't know what would make my decision clearer...There's so many elements and I'm not sure where to get started. I mean if I was 100% convinced that I would like to do another season I guess I could say that, but I don't know if I feel that way. I think Alexis [Bledel] feels mixed as well."
Sounds a little...end-y. I know that's not a word, but it's the feeling that I get when reading these lines and the rest of the interview. And from former news connected to Alexis, it has expressed that this job gets repetitive. A quality that makes Alexis feel tired. Plus, it takes away from what she would like to be doing -- movies. Also recall that Milo Ventimiglia (Alexis' ex-boyfriend) told the press Alexis didn't want to stay with GG for much longer. So be prepared all. It looks a little end-y.

To view the whole interview, click here.


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