Talking Gilmore Girls

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Thursday, March 23, 2006

Marty, Rory's Perfect Mate?

Is Marty Rory's perfect mate? Hmmm...not really, but he is better than Logan. Wait, make that so much better than Logan. Marty is this really sweet, autumn, non-rich, non-full-of-himself, non-jerk who really cares about Rory and not just for sex. In his last GG installment (S5's Jews and Chinese Food), his heart was gutted when Rory disclosed her emotional state for Logan. And even though Marty and fans knew she liked Logan (it did take a map to get that idea), it was a heart-breaking moment. We watched Marty pine for the young Gilmore for awhile, and we knew where the story was headed, but he was the ultimate underdog. And for that reason (plus his compatibility with Rory) no one could have sided against him. No one...unless you dream of your mate as an over-privileged white boy. Anyhoo. It appears that that is Rory's type, for Doctor Laura only knows why.

But is Marty that different from Rory's other seasonal guys? He's a drinker; we saw that from day one. And as GG has progressed, Rory's guys (Dean, Jess, Logan) have all dab into the liquor bottle at some point or another for some reason or another. Marty also possesses Dean and Jess's destitute. That's a second Rory-type trait. Yes, Logan doesn't fit in to that category (obviously), but you can count that really as Rory chasing something new. Plus, Marty is smart. That he has in common with Rory as well as Jess and Logan. Dean was a little on the slow side. But as you can see, Marty does seem to drum to the beat of Rory's mating call. So what do you think? Is Marty Rory's perfect mate? Can you think of any other traits that fit to the Rory-type? Do you detest Marty? If so, why?


  • At 3:00 AM, Blogger Donut Shop said…

    I would've thought that Marty would've been a better mate than Logan. He's sincere, level headed, aloof like Rory, doesn't need to do flashy things, totally could fall into the Friday night movie routine with Lorelai, he brings free food, can stand Paris, Paris liked him (shocker!), industrious, doesn't take himself too seriously, smart and overall MATCHES Rory in a million and one aspects. He is the kind of guy that Jess might not even mind having conversations with. Dean might've even backed off from the whole adultery thing if he saw Rory with someone non-threatening.

    I so hate Logan...

    I so could go on about Marty forever...

    Oh yeah, I like Marty. Can't you tell? LOL.

  • At 9:16 AM, Blogger Sarah said…

    They need to bring Marty back! I've always liked him, and I think he and Rory would be great together! I have to say, though, that I can see the attraction to Logan--the guy is hot! But I also haven't been around this season to really get to know his character, so take that for what it's worth!

  • At 3:44 PM, Blogger RUDY said…

    Yes, Logan sure does have that melt-your-heart look. But the way he's shimmered his ways into Rory making her someone else is what really pisses me off. That and that alone will always turn me off against Logan. Marty, on the other, as donut shop has said is Rory's match. He matches Rory in almost everyway. I personally would like to see Marty and Rory together. Maybe if A S-P looked at Marty's potential, she could see that having him would return the show a little more toward the original GG show. Marty definitely fits into the show of old.

  • At 5:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    he is like a snake, isn't he? But that makes him charming.

  • At 4:10 PM, Blogger Michael May said…

    I can't help but like Logan. He's messed up, but he's basically a good guy.

    The question is, does Rory need a "project" boyfriend? I don't think so. I like Logan, but he's got a lot of work to do before he deserves Rory.

  • At 7:28 PM, Blogger RUDY said…

    Yeah, I guess that's it. He needs too much work and his mess is screwing with Rory, which is why I don't like him. But if he would stop making things about what he needs and wants, maybe their relationship would take a turn for the better (in my opinion).

  • At 11:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    personally, i hope things don't take a turn for the better. i like it a little messy.


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