Talking Gilmore Girls

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Friday, May 12, 2006

Gilmore Gossip

Okay guys and gals. I have some Gilmore gossip. I say gossip because I haven't found anything official, and I hope I don't. From some unofficial site, I keep hearing that The Complete Sixth Season of Gilmore Girls will not contain extras. There will not be no bonus features. Now, I have no official news. I'm only giving you guys a heads up, so if I've been mislead I already apologize. But if someone has information of any kind, please feel free to scream it at me in the comments.

P.S. I normally don't post gossip or rumors, but this one hit me hard. So naturally I thought I'd share it with everyone.


  • At 8:48 PM, Blogger rosie4299 said…

    I read the exact same thing on the EW site. All I have to say is: WTF?

    I think that not having any extras is a huge mistake, and is going to hurt their sales, especially since the show is on in syndication. You can watch all the episodes in season six on ABC Family starting in September, when the WB (or whoever owns the show after all the mergery stuff goes down) sells the season into reruns. What kind of incentive is there to spend fifty bucks of your hard earned cash on something you can watch for free, and tape your favorite episodes?


  • At 1:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    There is no incentive, at least not for me. If there's no bonus, I'm no buying. I'm with you K.

  • At 2:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I'd probably still buy it just so that I can have it on my shelves, and so that I can have less tapes to organize.

  • At 6:52 PM, Blogger RUDY said…

    Anon. I too will buy the DVD, but I am just shocked. GG has five seasons on the shelves, and they all have bonus features of some sort. It'd be different if none of their previous seasons had bonus, but they do. I just fill like the GG fans and viewers are getting jipped. I mean we've been loyal (most any way -- certainly me) since the first season, they should show us the same loyalty in extras. Extras are a way for the programmers to give the loyal fans something extra for their continuous support, and I feel like they are leaving us high and dry after all of these years.

  • At 10:33 PM, Blogger Donut Shop said…

    Me? Going to be buying the season on bargain bins then. I had all five on Advance Buying lists at the Suncoast store.

    Now, I don't know. It's not like I really liked this season that much. So I guess having the extras (or the absence of it) just goes to show that sometimes, the crap is the reason I am buying this set. An affinity for finishing series shows, I guess?

  • At 12:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Yep. Once you have half of the series, you'd be pretty stupid not buying the rest.

  • At 12:36 AM, Blogger rosie4299 said…

    I agree M.

    I'm having trouble thinking of too many episodes that didn't end in me thinking, 'YAY! Now I can watch Supernatural!' when most of the time in years past my head has been filled with 'holy crap! That was great!' and 'Woah! I can't wait for next week!'

    I will probably buy the next season on DVD. At some point. You know, when Target does one of it's magical sales where the seasons are 22 bucks or something like it. Because it did have Finn and Colin and Mrs. Kim being fabulously strict and the Townies being crazy. I'd be buying it more for certain moments than for episodes really. Because this season left me feeling very cold, and very disinterested in all characters, really, that weren't fabulously exotic and Australian and accented. And even then, he wasn't in nearly enough of the episodes to merit me buying it for fifty bucks of my hard earned cash.

    This is possibly my least favorite season, on par with season four, which for all it's faults, didn't have the dog or the daughter for me to wish firey deaths in flame engulfed automobiles.



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