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Thursday, April 20, 2006

Okay, I'm A LIAR (S6Ep19)

It's about twenty minutes after eight am, and I'm stuck in my stat lab with nothing but boredom hitting me over the head. So I decided to use the computer in from of me to type out my thoughts on Tuesday's episode. Okay, then. Let's dig in.

Lane is getting married and Lorelai is not. I knew it was coming but I didn't think it would hit this hard. A twenty year old out does a thirty year old in hitching a man, just seems wrong to me. But let's jump into the middle of the wedding stuff. Lane gets to have her desired reception with her band playing at the event. It's grand and fab...definitely a GG wedding reception. It almost reminds me of Lor's engagement party to Max. Oh, I miss Max, though I miss him more from The Tenth Kingdom movie. It's a great Hallmark movie, and I highly suggest it to all. But anywho...Luke's still out with his daughter ('s still weird), which leaves Lorelai going stag to the Lane/Zach wedding. Well, almost. Mrs. Kim doesn't freak about the dress that Loreali trimmed and himmed, but she does go crazy when she learns that Luke's out of town. Lorelai without a man and with the clothes she chooses to wear equals whore in her book, so Lor is pushed between finding a date or not coming to the wedding. So by the whole weird text messaging between Rory and her dad, Christopher becomes Lor's date. And oh, boy does he have his work cut out. From attending the Buddhist wedding at the Kims to running to the church to have Mrs. Kim's wedding, Chris gets ran jagged. But his more memorable portion was his Lorelai-sitting.

Yep. It's finally here. Lorelai, though still holding back her true feelings about Luke's April decision, has let loose. Her true feelings have reared their ugly heads, and oh, it's not pretty. Well, it's not pretty to see. Lor drunk was so...ahhhh. I have to admit, though, that her approach was a Lor thing to do. Grab a tray of twenty shots. Give two or three to your not-fiance date and go to town on the other seventeen. Add salt, and you've got a pretty good game to get drunk. But with this all said and done, I'm so tired of Lor holding back and hiding her feelings. It's not very real. No one, especially not me, would let someone who is to be with them throughout the rest of his/her life seperate their lives when they are on the road to meshing them forever. Please, just let them yell. I'll feel much better. This waiting game is agonizing.

I'm running out of time, so I'll just post the other bits:
* Yeah, Kyong is back in the GG world and she and Brian seem to be heading toward something. Smooch...smooch.
* Rory's maid of honor speech was just sweet. It's always good to hear about past things.
* Christopher staying with Lor for the whole night. Ah, he's still in love with her, or so it seems. And I'm now wanting him and her to hook up. Screw least for now. He's got his kid. (Maybe Lor should throw that up in his face).
* When did Rory take a picture with April? Luke didn't seem to give them much time. Hmm...weird.
* Lorelia was gorgeous in the dress.

Okay. What did you think of the episode? Was it a better up-grade from last week? Come on. Let's have the nitty-gritty!


  • At 2:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    What I don't understand is how Luke says that Chris will always be in Lor's life because of Rory, but he doesn't see that Lor should be in April's life because she is his fiance. Is he stupid or blind? It could be that A S-P forgot that episode. Shame on you if you did!

  • At 10:18 AM, Blogger Donut Shop said…

    ASP is leaving, so at this point, does it really matter? I just hope that the writing staff can rectify some of the dialogue/history problems.

    I loved this ep. Like you, I actually had to mute the Lorelai rambling speech. It was PAINFUL. I bet it was cathartic though. I felt bad for Chris... Honestly, I like Luke but I still think (like Lauren Graham) that she and Chris should finish it and do the deed.

    I didn't mind the fact that Rory felt comfortable having Chris stay with Lor. Like, what's going to happen? Have sex and have another kid? Hmm, been there, done that with Rory. What's another? Bet the sex between Luke and Lorelai is non-existent or mediocre at best with all the secrets between them.

    Loved the wedding. I don't care what anyone says. I think despite Zach's dorkiness, he does care for Lane and that speaks volumes.

    Kyuon might end up that way with Brian, too! Teehee.

  • At 8:21 PM, Blogger RUDY said…

    I know; ASP gone forever. Hmmm....a wish come true? Let's hope, huh? And I so know. Luke and Lor can't be having ummm...great realtions, now can they?

    And I'm hoping for the Brian thing to happen. They seem like they would be great together.

  • At 3:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Chris in the chair reminded me of S2's Chris in the chair when Rory was hurt in that wreck with Jess.


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