Talking Gilmore Girls

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Saturday, October 28, 2006


Hello all.

I've got news to share. I'll cut to the chase, because I'm pinched on time.

Graham News: If you guys and gals haven't been keeping with the the movie world or the Grahan world, then let me fill you in. Our Gilmore Girls co-star Lauren Graham is making a movie appearance beside Diane Keaton on the big screen in Because I Said So. The movie will also star Mandy Moore and Piper Perabo. According to AOL, "Daphne Wilder (Diane Keaton) is the proud mother of three daughters: Milly (Mandy Moore), Maggie (Lauren Graham) and Mae (Piper Perabo). Her love for her offspring knows no bounds. Seeing that Milly, her youngest, always chooses the wrong man, Daphne decides to take action. To prevent Milly from repeating the mistakes of the past, Daphne decides to find Mr. Right for her. Dating disaster ensues when Daphne tries to achieve her goal by placing an online personal ad for Milly." Ha! Sounds like fun. I'll try to post more news went it comes available.

Episode Stills of The Great Stink!: Thought I'd share some with you for the fun of it. Note: Click the pictures for bigger images.

A Rory and Logan moment that doesn't make me gag. Yeah!

Heehee! Glad that they didn't drop this one.

Ah, how sweet. The Haden family together.

And Gilmore Girls News: This week it's a repeat.

P.S. GG might be an old episode, but Veronica Mars isn't. Catch VM on the CW at 9 pm.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

The Great Stink!

NOTE: This post contains some spoilers.

Good morning all. I've been busy with stuff, as usual, but I'm not going to let it get in my way of typing out some of my thoughts on Tuesday's episode of GG.

Let me begin by confirming what most of you already know...The Great Stink was a filler episode. For those of you out there who don't know what that exactly means, a filler episode is necessary to set up characters and storylines important to upcoming episodes. In the case of this episode, The Great Stink is a step leading to what all viewers already know -- Lorelai and Chris in Paris with marriage knocking on their hotel room door.

Alright. To get the ball rolling, here are some tidbits from the episode. Note, my opinions are in italics.

- Logan shows up for a surprise visit, which includes, but is not limited to a romantic dinner under the stars on the roof of the apartment. And Rory's reaction is steller. Glee with a side of jumpy. But what was most entertaining to see was the couple's end scene, where Rory rambles on and on just to let Logan sum up her feelings with his five-studded statement..."I miss you, too, Ace." I must say that my feelings for the boy Huntz is changing. Now, I don't know if it is on account of the distance I exhibited over the course of the summer or if my seven year change is upon me, but I'm hoping that things will settle down soon. I hate having gooey feelings in any respect for Logan.

- Sherry and Gigi. I'm glad to see that these two characters aren't being written off. I love that they're in play, even if we don't get to see them. Plus, I'm so ecstatic that DR has choosen, as far as I can tell, not to let Sherry or Gigi become a major bump in the road for Lorelai. I think I might boycot the show if he decides to make Lorelai jealous, afraid or worried about Sherry getting between her and Chris.

- Lorelai and Chris. Oh, how happy I am, especially concerning Lorelai and Sookie's talk about Lorelai talking to Chris, but talking to Luke in her head. I'm glad that the writers are seperating the men, and that they are showing how Chris is the one who really accepts Lorelai because he is the ONLY one who knows all of her. Sorry L/L fans, but this is clearly the case. Chris might have gotten angry with Lor's opinion, but he considered it, which is more than I can say for Luke.

- Okay. One last thing. How great was the end of the episode? Chris and Lorelai in the front with daughter Rory in the backseat. It was one of the great highlights of the episode, in my opinion. It allowed for a moment of how things could be for the Gilmore girls. Rory can get what she's always wanted...her mom and dad together. And Lorelai can be with the father of her kid. I'd also like to add...I almost died when Chris was shaking his head to the music.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

S' Wonderful, S' Marvelous

Yeah, so the episode was!! There needs to be no I'm not giving one.

It begins and ends with Christopher...always has, always will in my personal opinion. He's rejected at the door only to be let in at the end of the episode, which I have to tell you that it thrills me beyond happiness, not that I wasn't happy for them just dating. He was certainly looking fine and yummy with his shirt on. The whole time during the episode I was cringing with ecstacy at the chemistry that David brings to the show and draws out of Lauren. God, they were on fire last night. Plus, his romantic gesture was brillant, even if I expected a little more surprise. And at the end of the episode, Chris made me melt all over again. His reaction to Lorelai's "nice" response and giddiness over Emily's jail time was well played. He felt second place. I get that and felt that maybe Lorelai was putting him second place. But all was washed away when she told him he wasn't. The trip to the jail was just "the cherry on top," "the mint on the pillow."

Lorelai-Extra Happy:
Well, they did give Lorelai a very nice episode. She kicked dialogue in all the scenes she played in and took charge of the repetitive quips..."snakes on a plane" and "is this/that the surprise." It made the episode highly enjoyable. It was the first in a long time that made me extra happy. Plus, I love how the writers have always added in the opinions of what's happening in this season. Like in last night's episode, Sookie was the voice of the people. Sookie gave Lorelai the left hook about her dating Chris. Chris is no rebound, no bouncing ball. He's a bowling ball, the father of her kid. And with Sookie dishing out this dialogue, I feel very happy and confident that the road Lorelai will take this season will be one far different from any she has taken in the past, especially with Chris. There is something substantial here, and I can't wait to see were it's going.

Side Notes:
* Loved that Casablanca was mentioned. It's one of my favorites.
* Rory was in her element this episode. She had no boy to toy with, except at the end where she brushed him!
* Rory's friends were...ummm...okay. The actress who formerly played Gia Goodman on Veronica Mars was the only one holding me back from Rory making new friends. She's like the voice of Janice from Friends...and who wants that?
* Emily in jail. Priceless!
* I just knew that Lorelai would be taking pictures, when she picked Emily up from jail. I was giggling the whole time. It was definitely a night...or episode I'll never forget.
* I'm still waiting to see what will happen to Richard. At the moment, his role is minor and seems to be going no where, which means that the shoe's about to drop.
* Luke and April were cute together, though the whole "setup" was getting annoying.

Favorite Quote/Moment:
Chris's line to Lorelai when she asks if buckling the seatbelt is the surprise -- Yep. That's the surprise. Date's over.

Next Week: Things look juicy. Guess my dum-dum-da-dum spoiler post might be on target!

P.S. Sorry for the short post. School work. It stinks.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

7.4 Description

According to The CW, in S' Wonderful, S' Marvelous...

"Lorelai and Christopher have begun to date, and although Lorelai is finding it difficult to fully commit to the relationship, Christopher keeps coming up with romantic dates to win her over.

Back at Yale, Rory meets some eccentric new girlfriends at an art exhibit, and Richard becomes a guest lecturer.

[Meanwhile,] April comes to stay with Luke for a few weeks while Ana is out of town.

Finally, Emily gets arrested and Lorelai has to bail her out of jail.

Melissa McCarthy, Liza Weil and Matt Czuchry also star. Victor Nelli directed the episode written by Gayle Abrams."

* Shooo, seems like a lot happens in this episode. Can't wait!

** You can use this link to view a preview clip of the episode or this link to view the director's cut of the episode.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

7.3: Lorelai's First Cotillion

I'll start this post by saying how much I enjoyed this episode. This third installment of season seven was the best. The wit, the connection, the parents, everything and anything about Gilmore Girls was felt in the words and in the actions of Lorelai's First Cotillion.

Hmmm, where to begin? How about with the Gilmore girls.

Lorelai: Let me just say, Lauren Graham and Lorelai Gilmore both were gleaming with beauty in tonight's episode. Why the lovely actress isn't more known is beside me. But let's get to the dish. Lorelai had a sudden intuitive leap of unordinary understanding. She has discovered that she might not like what she likes because Emily doesn't like it and that she might like what she doesn't like because Emily does like it. Shooo! Say that three times fast. Anyway, I found it a great turn of events, showing how Lorelai isn't the same daisy-dukes wearing mom from season one. Her character has increased to a more impressive, lady-like state. And this new awareness is just a progression of the person, the woman she has blossomed into. So I say, keep the poptarts coming. Let's get this Gilmore best as can be.

Rory: The girl is dirty. With textmessages. Eh? Yep. They did it. They finally drop-kicked the last remaining good straw. Just like Lorelai isn't the same from the series' beginning, neither is Rory. First there was the botch plot that is Rory and Dean at the end of season four. Second there is the Hemingway re-enactment. Next, the Yale Drop-and-Stop. And finally Logan. And even though this latter one tears me up, I'm definitely not in Kansas anymore. Never gonna be again. Logan is here and here to stay. So, what is the undulating road that the couple will ride this year? And will we see Rory redeem herself?

Chris: I LOVE CHRIS! Yahoo! We are back on the past-lovers train, people, and the destination is pure ecstacy entertainment town! To give it one last punch, he says it all to Lorelai. He tells her his feelings. He tells her that he's willing to wait until they are eighty years old, if it takes her that long to realize they are meant to be. Well, I'm not! And it looks like I'm getting my wish. Because the episode ended with Lorelai calling Chris on the phone. Woohoo! Yahoo! And the excitement doesn't stop there. Next week's episode clip showed a "wah, wah, wah" taking place in the front seat of a car. Romance is defintiely in the air.

Other Notes:
- Luke's scene was short and funny. But I didn't really see the point of adding it, except for the ha-ha part.
- Lane and Zack were so the beginning. They kind of annoyed me in the middle, but the talk at the end was great. I guess the pain was worth the smile it brought.
- Michel was brillant. Glad that he was given a bigger part. And it was so sad when Emily quipped her comments at the cute PB&J treats Sookie made up.
- Enjoyed the return of the grandparents. Emily was high on her evil game and Richard was as interesting as always.

Alright. That's it. Post ya soon!

Monday, October 09, 2006

A Shocking Spoiler

Now brace for impact. Because I have an unofficial spoiler that might knock your socks off. Yes, it is a whopper. So instead of placing this spoiler in the post for all to see, I'm going to post it in the comments.


P.S. Don't forget tomorrow is a new GG episode, Lorelai's First Cotillion.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

CW's 7.3 Description

According to the CW, Lorelai's First Cotillion is about...

"Richard and Emily [having] no real reaction to the news of her break up with Luke, [which makes] Lorelai suddenly realizes that most of her emotional life has been based on doing and feeling the opposite of whatever her parents want. Later, when Michel forces Lorelai to attend Emily’s beautiful cotillion dance, Lorelai discovers that some things her parents wanted for her weren’t really that terrible. Rory has a tough time making her long-distance relationship with Logan work. After taking Rory out for a father/daughter dinner, Christopher makes a startling confession to Lorelai.

Melissa McCarthy and Keiko Agena also star. Lee Shallat Chemel directed the episode written by Rina Mimoun."

Can't wait to the new episode. I wonder what it is that Christopher confesses...his undying love?

P.S. Go here to catch a preview clip of the episode.

Friday, October 06, 2006

Old Pics

Okay. I know that these pictures are old ones. But I thought that I'd share them anyway. They're from the CW Launch party.

Doesn't Kristen and Lauren look cute?

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Episode 7.2

Let me begin by saying I highly enjoyed this episode. The preview and spoilers didn't give me the slightest clue as to the image they'd paint on the Lorelai and Luke relationship. I was actively cursing the commercials (mainly because of those stupid, not the public opinionate "aerie" girls) for interrupting my viewing, and I felt utterly devistated for the conclusion of the program.

But, let's get to it...

LORELAI AND LUKE NOT MEANT TO BE! Gotta say, I love this! We discovered the writers' plan to take away the notions of Luke and Lorelai so that they could bring them back together in a much better way. But until then, there will be awdward moments and uncertainty on each of their parts. This was clearly seen in the grocery store, when Luke spit out his cover story to Lorelai. A cover story that no doubt has grounds for protecting his heart and lessening his pain. Will it work? Will Luke believe that they aren't meant to be? Will he have Lorelai believing it? Who knows.

DON'T UPSET THE DAUGHTER. Why? Oh, why is she raining on my parade. Christopher and Lorelai have history...ah, hum...Rory you are evident of that history. So why is she so mad? My guess is that Lorelai is shaking the pot, she's mixing things up. And Rory's afraid how that will change her life, how it will effect her. A little selfish, if you ask me. But I can understand why Rory would be. After all the years that she wanted her parents back together, the realization that that wouldn't happen and then finally having some form of a normal relationship with her dad, why wouldn't she be upset. Plus, if you add on her mom keeping it from her, then I'd say that Rory has a pretty solid stance. But what were your thoughts on Rory's reaction? Good or Bad?

Before I go, let's touch on a couple of more things. LANE PREGNANT. Too great! And I loved her reaction to being a mom. But don't worry Lane, you'll be a great rockin' roll mom. MORNING PERSON. Lorelai, drinking coffee. Gets up, as if she has an idea. Pours a second cup of coffee and waits at Rory’s door. Mother Gilmore is making her kid breakfast -- waffles. Apparently, it's beacuse she could not sleep. But I loved it just the same. It reminded me of the old times. The morning routines. The stops at Luke's. So you can be amazed, when I found out that some people didn't think it was a Lorelai thing to do. Are you guys crazy? It's the offbeat Loreali I know and love.


Tuesday, October 03, 2006

times a wastin'

My stomach aches with anticipation. the anxiety is killing me. The promos make me all excited and sad. It's count down time for the street fight. Verbal ping-pong. Check. Emotional rollercoaster. Check. Just the idea of sitting down and actually watching this spectical gives me goose bumps. We are almost there. Less than five hours, cinco horas! I am hugely overwhelmed.

Not only is Gilmore Girls offering us a great new addition, but the season three premiere of the teenage mystery-solver is slamming The CW right afterwards. So be double prepared tonight for both Gilmore Girls and Veronica Mars. Just remember, though, the pleasure of viewing!

P.S. I'm not sure how I'll do the review for tonight's episode of GG. I do know that it won't be a running commentary as the episode airs in primetime. My review last time was a little rushed and a whole lot inconsistent. So this time I'll do it up differently. Just be patient. I'll try to post something asap!

Monday, October 02, 2006

CW's 7.02 Description

According to The CW...

"Rory (Alexis Bledel) is upset over Logan's (Matt Czuchry) absence and the fact that they had to cancel their long-planned trip to Asia. Wanting to cheer Rory up and take her mind off her own sad love life, Lorelai (Lauren Graham) turns her house into an Asian-themed wonderland.

Lane (Keiko Agena) returns from her disastrous honeymoon. While repairing the damage to the diner, Luke (Scott Patterson) tells T.J. (guest star Michael DeLuise) about his break-up with Lorelai, prompting T.J. and Liz (guest star Kathleen Whilhoite) to insist that Luke cover over for dinner and sympathy.

When Luke and Lorelai run into each other in town, Luke can't hide his anger over their breakup. Finally, Rory is furious when she learns that Lorelai slept with Christopher (David Sutcliffe).

Melissa McCarthy and Sean Gunn also star. Bethany Rooney directed the episode written by Rebecca Rand."

Enjoy the preview words cause tomorrow night will be the street-smackdown we've waited all week to glimpse. If you can't wait that long, then check out the Director's Preview Cut. It dishes out more of the harsh dialogue than the preview clip.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

The Cut

"I slept with Christopher."

Man I loved that moment. This episode is probably lower on the ladder of my favorites, but that end moment, the second, where you know that the cut is coming, is so worth it. I remember seeing it and being so excited because I knew this meant that Chris and Lorelai would finally be in a position to have their romantic chance. But the scene was also bittersweet. Luke delivers one of the most heartbreaking and adoring speeches he has ever had (which I've said over and over since the episode). I think one of the best things about that ending was that Luke was finally ready to be that person Lorelai needed. The person that wants her, needs her...not at all knowing that it was too late.

This was not-so-much a cliffhanger episode ending, but more like a moment of realization that from then on things were going to be different. Something big has happened. The pot has boiled over. Now, thing must chart a different course. A course that I'm must excited to take. What was it about this moment that you liked or disliked?

P.S. The third season premiere of Veronica Mars lights up the television waves this Tuesday, October 3rd, after our loving Gilmore girls. The episode is called Welcome Wagon, but my guess is that it's no welcome Veronica wants.